Category Archives: prayer

Empowering Thought for Today: The Gift of God-Eternal Life through Jesus Christ!

For real followers of Christ Easter is everyday. We are reminded we we should give God glory. We were all headed to damnation. ( hell) 
This past week we were confronted with an issue that has to do with our only daughter. After she confessed her mistake and ask for forgiveness the person wanted to harass her and make her feel bad. I stop them dead in their track by saying: ” thank God for Jesus and his blood” or we would all be doomed.
I walked around for years in complete darkness living according to my flesh until God came and rescued me from my own sin. So I get excited about Easter because it’s more than clothing , eggs and a rabbit.
It’s the reminder that Jesus came, died and was resurrected for women, men and children we have seen, we see, and those we will come to know. God has given us a gift of eternal life and if that don’t make you love him; I don’t know what can.
Happy Easter!

Lady P.
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Empowering Thought for Today:  Ask The Lord to Align You

Matthew 6:33
I thank God he doesn’t give up on people. There is always hope and a clean slate everyday with God if you are in Christ. I’m always asking God to align me to his word and will because many times if I don’t continue to abide in him I start drifting into my own opinions and thoughts or others opinions and thoughts.
There are days I don’t feel very priestly or my bank account looks like I’m the tail and not the head. You know the days where what God has declared over his children just looks like the wrong outfit on you !
Our five senses are a wonderful creation but your senses on their own can deceive you if you are a citizen of heaven. God wants us to not just say what he has said he wants us to live and breathe it.  
One of the greatest prayers we can pray is : Lord align me to your will! Align means to being something back to its appropriate position. Our position should always be repentance with thanksgiving. We can never take God’s grace and mercy for granted.
We all should have God’s desire in our heart; his kingdom first . Everyday we should be dying to self and surrendering our will until him.
I dare you to ask God to Align you and watch him transform you from the inside out!
Love, Lady P.
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Empowering Thought for Today:  God is my Defense;Whose yours ?

Our military system pays billions of dollars to defend this country.  Unfortunately, they treat the military soilders with. Lack of respect .  While I was in church God started telling me he was my FORTRESS! (Psalm 18:2) a wall of protection around me. Well like my most nosey self I begin to think physical protection ONLY.  As I meditated on this passage of scripture as well as other scriptures I began to see patterns of words such as:  Rock, refuge, fortress , deliverer, shield, stronghold and horn of salvation.  As I began to meditate on this I saw that I had a choice, I could completely lean on God for support or trust my skill sets, talents and abilities and as I write this I find this hilarious.  

There are times we are not just in physical warfare but there are times where main,y the battle is against our minds, the seat of our will,and emotions.   You literally battle in your mind.  So, I started to take this scripture and battle and prayer over this word.   That no matter what I face that I would. It let fear and unbelief rule my life.  That God is my rock, fortress, refuge, etc.  Tame the word and do warfare with it, believe me we never can relax when the enemy is raging.  We also must not be to anxious about him doing what he was called to do, but we must trust God without reservation!

Love, P.

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Empowering Thought for Today:  Persistence will cause Miracles

Hannah -1st Samuel 1-8

Blind Bartimues-Mk 10:46-52
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Five keys to “Persisting “in Prayer! (Mt:18:1)

Persistence means the ability to continuing on in spite of obstacles and trials until your prayers are manifested.  Here are 5 keys to persisting and staying consistent in prayer.

1.Keep asking, seeking and Knocking (Mt 7:7)

2. Maintain your focus because obstacles and distraction will come ( Neh 6-7)

3. Your faith must have action (James 2:14-26)

4.  Join your faith with other believers ( met:18:19)

5.  Get. Dog dish (not literally). For example:  when I was dealing with infertility I bought a baby blue outfit hung it in my closet as a visual of my prayers.

Whatever you are believing for don’t become hyper focused.  Life is still going on so:

A.  Enjoy your life

B.  Trust God for all outcomes

C. If you become weary lean on The Holy Spirit and other believers


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Empowering Thought for Today:  The best prayer is an honest prayer

in it’s most simplest of definition, pray is connecting with God.  Have you ever been at a place and you had very few words?  You’re only saying one to two words.

Peter is a great example of that when Jesus tells him to come join him on the water and he gets distracted and falls in the water he yells “Lord, Save me”. (Matthew 14:30).

Even Jesus tells us how to “not approach God” with a bunch of long rhetoric or empty phrases.  ( Matthew 6:7)

There have been literal times where I did not or could not say anything because what I was dealing with was so heavy there were no words to say.  I was literally crying or moaning.  So,  if I don’t say words am I praying?  Yes,  you are always connected to God.  He never walks out and leaves us , he is a PRESENT help. ( Heb 13:5 and Psalm 46:1)

We can be comforted by the truth that when we ourselves cannot articulate what is going on ,  The Holy Spirit himself prays for us and communicates our heart to God. ( Romans 8:26)

We should be so encouraged to know that God hears our prayers and not only will he  hear but will answer it according to his will.

Amen,  P.

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Empowering Thought for Today:  Tag You’re It:  God has chosen you!

when I was younger and not saved I had this deep need to be accepted.  The brokenness and rejection in my own family life cause a deep emptiness.  This sort of made me go out and seek other people’s crumbs.
I was never the “cool kid nor the “brainy” one either. I was the one who didn’t fit in a category.  I was the mis-fit.  I had my own drum I followed.  I was outgoing enough but I was never “chosen” 

My story took on a new identity when Jesus entered my life.  As I read God’s word and found out I was “chosen” my heart rejoiced.  ( Jn 15:16&John 6:44)

God hand picked me, singled me out, placed his attention and affection on me.  The wonderful thing about this is:  I didn’t have to have a certain status , Jesus just accepts me.  I came broken and battered and heart full of pain and grief .  Loneliness used to be my best friend but Jesus has turned it around for me.

No longer do I look to be “chosen” because I already apart of God’s Kingdom.  Even wen others reject me , God hasn’t and on a daily basis I get to talk to God, free of charge and 24/7!

Want to know a secret :  The President isn’t the most powerful man it’s JESUS and he knows me!.

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Empowering Thought for Today:  YOU, God is LOOKING for YOU!

As children we all played the game, Hide-N-Seek.  Well the good news for you is if you just got saved or been saved a while, you are now a SoilderIn The Army of The Lord.  Here are just a few things soilders in the kingdom need to do!

1.  Stay connected to CHRIST who is connected to God.  You need orders

2.  Basic Training-  you must know how to fight and get acquainted with your equipment

3.  Learn your enemy

4.  Stay focus… Soilders cannot be easily distracted .  Don’t get entangle with the world system

5.  Stay prepared, alert , diligent and watchful –  we fight everyday in this army

6.  Keep fit physically and spiritually

7.  Learn when to rest- a tired soilder is a soilder that makes mistakes 

8.  You’re responsible for other soilders

9.  Follow directions…… This is not JUST about you… Not following orders could hurt you and others

10.  Stay prayerful that means you have to as number one states:  stay connected

Hell is REAL and SATAN is real…. He’s defeated but if you don’t know that you will be a defeated christisn who actually has victory.

Actually , The Chief of the Army has defeated DEATH and HELL………..  So , you must use every weapon God has given to you…..

Love You,  now fight the good fight of faith!


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Empowering Thought for Today:  Jesus Had a Moment!

One of my favorite things to say when life becomes challenging is: “Give me a moment”.
everybody needs a moment. When everybody calling and pulling on you at one time- “I need a moment”.
when you have more bills than money-“I need a Moment”. when people giving you the side eye and talking kind of crazy- Yeah, I need a moment.

Paul tell us that we need our armour on because we need to be alert, dilligent and watchful. Paul tells us not just for you but you should have every believer’s back.

Jesus had a moment. he knew since he left his hime in glory and entered the womb of a woman this moment was to arrive.
Have you ever faced a situation where you needed no extra distractions or drama, but dram and distractions were all around. Jesus faced this and ive read these passages before but came away with more love for Jesus.
Jesus about to face death and the disciples are arguing, Peter is getyin ready to deny him and Judas is about to betray him.
He needs a moment where he can quiet his thoughts with prayer so he goes to that familiar place. while in the Garden of Gethsemane he wants the disciples to pray with him, they cannot even do that for they fall asleep.
Ever been through something and you thought you needed support but couldnt find nobody?
felt like you were about to drown but there was no life jacket?
There are just some things we have to face alone without human intervention. There will be times that you and God alone have to talk that thing out.
Prayer is work and there are times you got to stand until you get your breakthrough.
I have moments like Jesus where I through my hands in the air and say Lord, please indont wsnt to deal with this or that. Even in the midst of the thing thats causing pain and anquish theres something about being in God’s presence begins to give you peace and perspective.
Jesus says “not my will, but yours be done”. We all habe to face moments like that where we have to trust God in all things. Concede our plans and ideas. we always have to look to God as our helper.
No matter what we face or come up against, we dont have to face things alone.

This particular passage of scripture really speaks volumes and I recommend every body to re read Jesus in the Garden of Gesthamane. ( Luke 22:39-46)

Have a prayerful Day,


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