Five keys to “Persisting “in Prayer! (Mt:18:1)

Persist in your Pursuit of God

Empowering Thought for Today

Persistence means the ability to continuing on in spite of obstacles and trials until your prayers are manifested. Here are 5 keys to persisting and staying consistent in prayer.

1.Keep asking, seeking and Knocking (Mt 7:7)

2. Maintain your focus because obstacles and distraction will come ( Neh 6-7)

3. Your faith must have action (James 2:14-26)

4. Join your faith with other believers ( met:18:19)

5. Get. Dog dish (not literally). For example: when I was dealing with infertility I bought a baby blue outfit hung it in my closet as a visual of my prayers.

Whatever you are believing for don’t become hyper focused. Life is still going on so:

A. Enjoy your life

B. Trust God for all outcomes

C. If you become weary lean on The Holy Spirit and other believers


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